Liturgy Live - 2nd Sunday in Advent - Prepare the Way of the Lord
This week on the podcast we talk about how Isaiah called for the proclamation of the "good news" in earnest. In his time and in the fulfillment of Christ, we are to proclaim the Gospel of our Salvation. St Peter reminds us that the judgement is coming, we need to be prepared because we do not know when. Each generation has had signs to encourage us to turn to Christ before it is too late. Christ desires for all to repent, and we should be praying for that to fulfill the desires of God.
Fr Ian announced that we have a new platform for Catholics to converse outside of the normal Social Media sphere. HealthyMinds is a community platform you can join and it functions similar to social media but without the ads and the drama. We are hosting an Advent Meditations Group on that platform that contains daily meditations on the Mass readings and a very short video for more understanding and ideas to contemplate. Come join us!
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