
Showing posts from October, 2019

Liturgy Live - 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time - Seek and Save

This week we really dive deep into the beginning of the first reading. How the whole universe is a grain from the balance. How small we are in the relation to everything, yet how much God loves each and every one of us. We talk about thinking about God and thinking about thinking about God. We get a little meta. It goes into the experience of how to pray and how to slow down and think about life and how to make choices. In the second reading we talk about the warning from St Paul not to despair over those who cry out that the second coming is near. Do not be shaken, tend to the battle that is before you and do not sin. We didn't make it to the gospel this week, we spent our time on the first readings.

Liturgy Live - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Humbled and Exalted

This week on the podcast we talk about the struggles of moving through the spiritual levels. One of the temptations of conquering your sins is to become judgmental of the process of others. We talk about having to be very aware of what is hurting us in sin to be able to fight it. How do we walk the line of proclaiming God's work in our lives and also not becoming prideful in that work. We talk about how hard it is to share successes with friends, but it is easy to find friends who will join us to complain about our struggles.

Liturgy Live - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Persevere in Prayer

This week on the podcast we talk about the necessity of both the active and contemplative life. Moses holds his hands up for the success of those fighting the troops of Amelek, there are 2 groups in this situation, the contemplative prayer needed for success and the active fighters also needed for the same success. We talk about personal experience with prayer. In the second reading we talk about how we are charged with the mission to proclaim the gospel, teach and encourage those around us, which is only possible when we are connected to God with perseverance in prayer. In the Gospel we talk about how the unjust judge knew that he was breaking the great commandments, but was able to conclude that he should be good to the widow due to her perseverance. How much more will God who loves us perfectly, hear us and respond to our persistent prayer.

Liturgy Live - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Obedience and Thanksgiving

This week on the podcast we talk about the O word, yes the word that sends some into a fit of rage. Obedience. Our culture is a culture of disobedience, it is expected and sometimes even revered as some sort of secular virtue. This weeks readings go into having to be obedient to the Word in order to be healed, and then return in thanksgiving in order to be saved. Christ has the ability to heal us, but we have to be faithful and not walk away from Him in our restored state.

Liturgy Live - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - How Long O Lord

This week on the podcast we talk about the need for increase of faith. In the first reading we hear the cry of the Prophet Habakkuk that is also echoed in Psalm 13. This cry is followed by the response of the Lord to be patient and have hope for the coming fulfilment. In the second reading we talk about the gifts given through the Sacrament of Holy Orders of power, love, and self control. In the Gospel we talk about the request for the increase of faith and the requirements of service that will come with that increase.