
Showing posts from December, 2018

Liturgy Live - Goal Setting the Catholic Way with Sterling Jaquith - Bonus Audio

Do you have goals? Are you afraid to even set them?  What is the most important part of goal setting? Sterling and Alanna talk about how cultivating peace in the moment is the key to obtaining your goals! Watch and if you have any questions for Sterling please go to her Facebook page and ask! She can also be found at Coffee and Pearls podcast on Breadbox Media.   You can Contact Fr Ian and Alanna Burg at

Liturgy Live - I Come to do Your Will - Fourth Sunday in Advent

The alternate title for this week's recording is "Brimstone and Fire" because Fr. Ian said it so many times referencing his homily this past Sunday!  This week we start off talking about the lowliness of Bethlehem and how it is surprising that Christ came from there even though it was prophesied. There are so many paradoxes in the way God works in our world and how shocking it is for us to discover sometimes. We also talk about the legalism of sacrifice and how it became something that God no longer wanted because it didn't have the correct effect, which was to bring the people of Israel closer to Him in Love. Sacrifice is not the end it is the means to the end, and when we make it the end it can become corrupt.

Liturgy Live - Rejoice! - Third Sunday in Advent

This week we talk about the call to rejoice in the suffering of our time. We venture into anxiety and the culture, how to care for our spiritual health and our physical health. The implementation of gratitude is so important in fighting the dryness and anxiety, and the willingness to be in the discomfort while trusting Christ. The Holy Spirit is with us in our darkness and we are still called to Rejoice!

Liturgy Live - Make Straight His Paths - 2nd week in Advent

We talk this week about putting on the glory and the splendor of God, what that means for our church life and for the garments of the priesthood. How some dress lesser to seem lesser in false humility, and how some are in the rut of familiarity and routine. We talk about the morality of choices and why we shouldn't look at things at surface level to discern intent. We talk about getting out of the way of Jesus and what that might look like to different people. Then we discuss what "making his paths straight" means in historical context.