Liturgy Live - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Persevere in Prayer

This week on the podcast we talk about the necessity of both the active and contemplative life. Moses holds his hands up for the success of those fighting the troops of Amelek, there are 2 groups in this situation, the contemplative prayer needed for success and the active fighters also needed for the same success. We talk about personal experience with prayer. In the second reading we talk about how we are charged with the mission to proclaim the gospel, teach and encourage those around us, which is only possible when we are connected to God with perseverance in prayer. In the Gospel we talk about how the unjust judge knew that he was breaking the great commandments, but was able to conclude that he should be good to the widow due to her perseverance. How much more will God who loves us perfectly, hear us and respond to our persistent prayer.


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