
Showing posts from June, 2020

Liturgy Live - 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fear No One

In the readings this week we encounter the Prophet Jeremiah and his inner battle. He is tempted to denounce the Lord, he is also being watched by his friends for any misstep to trap him in. These inner temptations of Jeremiah are the real temptations of our culture at the moment. We are reminded in that moment to trust in the Lord. Jesus in the Gospel says to "Fear no one." We are called to live in the midst of the chaos in the trust of Christ.

Liturgy Live - Corpus Christi

We are being tested during this time of crisis. God is looking to see if you remember that He provides for you. He will guide you and provide for you. We are being allowed to feel the hunger for the Body and Blood of Christ, how are we to respond to the invitation back to Mass? This is a time of conversion, healing, and trust.

Liturgy Live - Most Holy Trinity - Conversion is the Way

Our world is in chaos, and we are in need of hope. Conversion of heart to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and reception of the Sacraments and living a moral life is the only way forward. What a controversial statement. We believe that Christ is the Way. Christ told us Himself, He is the Way. When will we start actually living the Gospel? When we live the Gospel we will love God and love neighbour. Chaos cannot thrive in a relationship of virtue in love. Each of us needs to grow in continuous conversion and renewal of heart. Then we will see the change that we long for.