
Showing posts from March, 2020

Liturgy Live - 5th Sunday in Lent - Do you Believe?

During this time of COVID19 we have to be careful with our fear. The cure cannot be worse than the disease. How do you develop strategies to live a healthy balanced life in the midst of the shutdown. Monastic rule is so important to learn in this time. We are to KNOW that Christ is the LORD. #Lent #LentCOVID19 #Catholic

Liturgy Live - 3rd Sunday in Lent - Reveal the Well

This week on the podcast we talk about how Moses was able to be real with God. He prayed in a way that showed his frustration with the people of Israel. The people knew what they needed but they didn't ask God for it. In the Gospel we talk about the woman at the well, who didn't know to ask Christ for water, but he revealed what she needed and she asked. The Lord is so gentle with us when we are receptive to His mercy. He reveals the well in our hearts that is the spring of water welling up to eternal life.

Liturgy Live - 2nd Sunday in Lent - On the Mountain

On this second Sunday in lent we talk about aversion to climbing the mountain. When we make it to the top, we also don't want to leave. We don't like the cross, nor do we like the climb of exercising virtue to get up the mountain. We are to go as the Lord directs us, as Abram did when he leaves his father and follows the Lord. If the Lord is calling you, GO! Obedience to the Lord comes up a lot especially in Lent.